University of Malta – Lead Partner
The University of Malta will lead the ReMED project. The University will contribute to the preparation of the ReMed Platform and its components, the ReMED Assessment System and the ReMED Decision Support Framework, supporting the transfer of knowledge from the CESBA MED project in which it was a partner. The University will lead the initial baseline activity to identify the most recent developments concerning indicators and methodologies for climate vulnerability assessment in Europe. The University
will lead the preparation of the ReMED Training System, including the training material for the organisation of the courses.
- Sustainability of Construction and Climate Resilience
- Construction Materials Engineering in particular cement-based materials and
- Structural Monitoring and concrete heritage.
University of Malta (UM) is the sole public and highest teaching institution in Malta. It comprises 14 Faculties and several interdisciplinary Institutes and Centres. The University has been involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU-funded projects under various Programmes including FP5/6/7, Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Culture 2000, Tempus, Erasmus+, INTERREG EU-MED-ITALIA MALTA-ENPI CBC MED and various other international and national programmes and initiatives. The University is also represented in a number of European and international University networks and groups.
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