The University of Malta hosted the kick-off meeting of the ReMED INTERREG EURO MED Project Towards Climate Resilient Mediterranean Cities, in Malta on 20 and 21 February 2024. The University of Malta, Faculty for the Built Environment is the Lead Partner of the Project.
The ReMED project addresses sustainability and resilience of cities through assessment, design of optimal measures for climate adaptation, implementation and monitoring. ReMED brings together nine (9) partners from five (5) different countries. Apart from the Maltese partners, The Faculty for the Built Environment at the University of Malta as Lead Partner and Eco Gozo at the Ministry for Gozo, the six (6) International project partners are:
- Comune di Genova (Italy),
- iiSBE Italia R&D (Italy),
- The Municipality of Fylis (Greece),
- The National Observatory of Athens (Greece),
- The Municipality of Crikvenicia (Croatia), CIEDES Foundation (Spain), and
- The Municipality of Malaga (Spain).
The kick-off meeting hosted in Malta was represented by all the project partner countries.

Day 1
Day 2
During the second day of the seminar, Hon. Minister Dr. Miriam Dalli, Minister for Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour, gave an insightful contribution regarding the Government’s efforts towards sustainability and the importance of the ReMED research projects for the Mediterranean region and Europe as a whole.
Ms. Maria Catania the Programme Manager for EU Funds at the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister And Ministry For European Funds, Equality, Reforms And Social Dialogue, outlined the priorities and targets of the programme in the context of ReMED being the only INTERREG EURO MED project led by a Maltese Institution.
The Project Support office and the ReMED Research Project Team at the Faculty for the Built Environment on behalf of the University of Malta as the Lead Partner, delivered presentations on the management of the project during the coming years. The Interreg Euro-Med Joint Secretariat was also represented by the Project Officer who highlighted the programme’s objectives and research implementation.
The event further included key presentations by all the project partners and the strategic action for the coming years of the project activity. The meeting also included fruitful discussions about climate resilience of Mediterranean cities and the role of the ReMED project.