What we do


Deliverables & Objectives:

  1. ReMED Platform: a tool to support the implementation of climate adaptation measures – Set up of the ReMED Platform, and integrated set of tools and methodologies to guide cities in the definition and implementation of optimal adaptation measures.
  2. Test of the ReMED Platform: Test of the ReMED Platform on 5 pilot case studies to facilitate its uptake and use by public and local-regional authorities in synergy with climate policy instruments. The test will allow to identify possible improvements of the ReMED Platform. 
  3. Raising the impact of policy instruments for the implementation of climate adaptation measures: This WP will be focused on integrating the ReMED Platform into different policy instruments to maximize their effectiveness and impact as tools for the implementation of optimal resilience and adaptation measures.

Target Groups Affected:

  • Local public authority
  • Regional public authority
  • Sectoral agency
  • Higher education and research organisations
  • International organisation, EEIG



  • Project Start (1st January 2021)
  • Malta Kick-Off (20-21 February 2024)
  • Green Living Areas Thematic Community Kick-Off Event (9-11 April 2024)