
  • Project

1st Partner LPC Meetings


LPC (Local Project Committee) Meetings are the main strategy to actively involve target groups in the ReMED project. Acting as the general consultation group at local level, LPCs involve stakeholders with different backgrounds for disseminating Project activities and results. Such meetings are mainly consultative and non-specific to a single topic

Over the past few months, partners of the ReMED project organised various LPC Meetings:

  • 9th April 2024 – iiSBE Italia R&D (PP3) and Municipality of Genova (PP4)
  • 18th June 2024 – National Observatory of Athens (PP5) and Municipality of Fylis (PP10)
  • 8th July – CIEDES Foundation (PP8) and Malaga Municipality (PP9)
  • 25th July – University of Malta (PP1) and Ministry for Gozo and Planning (PP2)

These meetings comprised a welcome and introductory speech by the respective organisers and a short presentation of each participant. Following the introduction was a summary presentation of the ReMED project on promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, and considering eco-system-based approaches. This was followed by a general presentation of the role of LPCs, and the added value concerning the local exchange of approaches and results.

Participants then followed up with a discussion based on personal and professional experiences, projects and initiatives related to climate adaptation at urban scale, as well as feedback and suggestions concerning methodologies and indicators available. This would aid in assessing vulnerability and risk to climate change.